Manufacturing Process Phase A: Combine all ingredients of phase A and raise the pH to 11 to dissolve cinnamic acid. When everything is dissolved, lower the pH back to 6 again. Phase B: Add all ingredients of phase B to phase A and stir until a slightly viscous gel is formed. Adjust pH to 5.5 +_ 0.05. Specification Appearance: Yellowish, clear, slightly viscous gel pH: 5.5 +_ 0.05 Stability: Microbiohas not


Manufacturing Process Phase A: Combine all ingredients of phase A. Raise the pH to 11 to dissolve Cosphagard® SA natural. When everything is dissolved, lower the pH back to 4-5 again. Phase B: Combine Glycerin, Cosphaderm® X 34 and Cosphaderm® Sodium Hyaluronate high and stir until the powder is wetted. Then add it to phase A. Phase C: Add phase C under stirring. Adjust the pH to 4.0 +_ 0.05. Specifhas not


Manufacturing Process Phase A: Disperse the thickeners in glycerol and Cosphaderm® Propanediol natural. Phase B: Add demin. water and stir until everything is dissolved. Phase C: Add phase C to A/B. Adjust the pH to 5.5 +_ 0.05. Specification Appearance: Translucent gel pH: 5.5 +_ 0.05 Stability: Microbiological stability proven, no separation after centrifugation (4000 rpm, 30 min)has not


MANUFACTURING PROCESS Phase A: Combine the ingredients of phase A. Raise the pH to 11 to dissolve Cosphagard® SA natural. When everything is dissolved, lower the pH back to 4-5 again. Phase B: Add phase B to A while stirring. Adjust the pH to 4.0 +_ 0.05. SPECIFICATION Appearance: Clear solution pH: 4.0 +_ 0.05 Stability: Microbiological stability proven, no separation after centrifugation (4000 rpmhas not
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Manufacturing Process Phase A: Combine all ingredients of phase A and stir until everything is completely dissolved. Phase B: Combine all ingredients of phase B separately and add to phase A under stirring. Adjust pH to 5.5 +_ 0.05 if necessary. Specification Appearance: Transparent serum pH: 5.5 +_ 0.05 Stability: Microbiological stability proven, no separation after centrifugation (4000 rpm, 30 minhas not


Manufacturing Process Combine all ingredients of phase A and stir with a propeller stirrer at 1500 - 2000 rpm until everything is completely dissolved. Then add phase B to phase A under stirring. Adjust the pH to 6.0 +_ 0.05 to thicken the formulation. Specification Appearance: Transparent, clear gel pH: 6.0 +_ 0.05 Stability: Microbiological stability proven, no separation after centrifugation (4000has not


Manufacturing Process Phase A: Combine all ingredients of phase A. Raise the pH to 11 to dissolve Cosphagard® SA natural completely. Phase B: Add phase B and lower the pH to 4.0 +_ 0.05. Specification Appearance: Clear solution pH: 4.0 +_ 0.05 Stability: Microbiological stability proven, no separation after centrifugation (4000 rpm, 30 min)has not


MANUFACTURING PROCESS Phase A: Combine all ingredients of phase A and stir until everything is completely dissolved. Phase B: Add phase B to phase A. Phase C: Add phase C and stir until everything is completely dissolved. Adjust pH to 6.5 +_ 0.05 if necessary. SPECIFICATION Appearance: Transparent serum pH: 6.5 +_ 0.05 Stability: Microbiological stability proven, no separation after centrifugation has not
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